OnChainMonkey FAQs

What Is OnChainMonkey?

OnChainMonkey is ERC-721 NFTs that depict 2D animated monkey characters. Each of the 9,500 monkeys was generated with randomized attributes that offer background, clothing, jewelry, fur color, and eye color/shape permutations. OnChainMonkeys is unique because each monkey was programmed and generated by a smart contract rather than the traditional route of creating an image and uploading it to the blockchain. Essentially, each monkey is embedded on the blockchain rather than being stored. This process reduces the risk of losing the jpeg file if the storing service goes down.

Who are the founders of OnChainMonkey?

OnChainMonkey was founded by Danny Yang (@huuep) and was launched on September 21, 2021. Additionally, Danny Yang founded Taiwan's largest cryptocurrency exchange known as Maicoin in 2013.

What is OnChainMonkey worth?

OnChainMonkey is worth $27.9M by market cap.

What is the OnChainMonkey floor price?

The OnChainMonkey floor price is $1,171.

How many OnChainMonkey NFTs are there?

There are 9,500 OnChainMonkey NFTs.

Where can I buy OnChainMonkey NFTs?

You can buy OnChainMonkey NFTs on the following marketplaces: OpenSea, LooksRare, and X2Y2.

How many OnChainMonkey owners are there?

There are 3,001 unique Ethereum wallets that own at least one OnChainMonkey NFT.

How many OnChainMonkey NFTs have never sold?

How popular is OnChainMonkey?

OnChainMonkey has 77,705 Twitter followers and 35,517 Discord members. There have been 2 OnChainMonkey NFTs sold today, 20 sales this week, and 129 sales in the last month.
✦ USD values based on historical coin prices